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Three dudes talking about whatever pops into their simple little minds.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

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I KNOW You Missed Us!

Connor here giving you guys my best excuses as to why we've been dormant. I assure you the CavePod is far from dead. With Alex gone away to school, and Drew and I caught up in our own student woes, its becoming hard to squeeze out the little gems that I'm sure brightened your days as much as they did ours. However, and I can't stress this enough, we are FAR from throwing in the towel. It may mean a change of occasional line up, a little less dragon (tear, tear) from time to time, but quality will not suffer!
In other news, I've been poking through some CavePod episodes and have begun to take some of my favorite jokes and bits and posting them lovingly on our Youtube channel. The first episode is up NOW! And can be accesed HERE. So check that one out!
As always, we love you guys! Forever Cavemen and Cavewomen.
Your humble friend,